At ADBioplastics we follow a strict quality control, in order to guarantee the best results in the manufacture of our ADBio PLA+ additive and PLA-Premium bioplastic.
Our chemical plant manager and his team of industrial scaling technicians are responsible for ensuring compliance with all quality requirements.
The quality control system focuses on determining and guaranteeing the integrity of both the ADBio PLA+ and the bioplastics, each of our biomaterials having its own quality control process. The ADBio PLA+ is analyzed by GPC, MFI and humidity to ensure its chemical properties and therefore its function on the polymer matrix. Our bioplastics undergo MFI and moisture analysis, a control that ensures the final integrity of the biomaterial.
Our goal is to ensure that our products are capable of replacing traditional petroleum-derived plastics used in the food, cosmetics, textile, 3D printing, construction, medicine, agriculture and consumer goods sectors.

ISO 9001
We are currently internally implementing the necessary procedures to obtain ISO 9001 certification, an international standard based on the management and control requirements of processes. Because beyond complying with the legislation, at ADBioplastics we pursue excellence.